Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Shocking Art

For my shocking art piece I was having a hard time decideing what issue I wanted to address. My teacher Amy lent me a book on controversial ceramics and I got a few really good ideas. I finally decided that I wanted to make a piece that addresses eating disorders, specifically bulimia. The picture below is my inspiration for my project by Marcel Duchamp. I want to make a "ready-made" piece using a toliet.. what are your thoughts?


  1. You know how the repeated stomach acid destroys the base of the toilet? I think it would be cool to some home show this in the toilet. And maybe you should break the flush handle off the toilet. Showing that bulimics can't just flush their problems away. That they just sit in the toilet and eat away.

  2. just so you know, this piece, signed "R Mutt" was by Marcel Duchamp. He was a famous for his ready mades as well as contributing to the Dada art movement.

  3. oh whoops! thanks amy I'll change the name on that!
